Rodents can be a nuisance in any home or workplace, causing damage to property, spreading diseases, and creating an overall sense of discomfort. When faced with a rodent infestation, addressing the problem promptly and effectively is crucial. While there are DIY methods for rodent control, sometimes the situation calls for professional intervention. In this blog, we’ll examine the realities of hiring a rodent extermination service and how to prepare for it.

Why Should You Hire a Professional Rodent Exterminator?

Hiring a professional rodent exterminator is essential for effectively addressing infestations, as DIY methods can be ineffective and risky. Professionals bring expertise and employ safe, proven methods tailored to your situation. They ensure safety, offer peace of mind, and can save time and money by providing lasting solutions. Investing in professional services ensures a healthier, rodent-free environment, eliminating the stress and damage caused by infestations.

What to Expect from Professional Rodent Extermination


The first step in professional rodent extermination is thoroughly inspecting the premises. Exterminators will identify entry points, nesting areas, and signs of activity to develop a targeted treatment plan.

Trapping and Baiting

Depending on the extent of the infestation, exterminators may employ trapping or baiting methods to capture or eliminate rodents. Snap, glue, and live traps are commonly used for trapping, while bait stations containing rodenticides may be deployed for larger infestations.

Exclusion Measures

In addition to eliminating existing rodents, professional exterminators often implement exclusion measures to prevent future infestations. These may involve sealing off entry points, repairing damaged structures, and modifying habitats to make the environment less attractive to rodents.

Monitoring and Follow-Up

Rodent extermination is not always a one-time process, especially in cases of severe infestations or recurring problems. Professional exterminators will monitor the situation closely and provide follow-up treatments to ensure long-term eradication.

Preparing for Professional Rodent Extermination

Preparing for professional rodent extermination is essential to ensure the process goes smoothly and effectively. Proper preparation can help exterminators do their job more efficiently and increase the likelihood of successfully eliminating rodent infestation. Here are some steps to take when preparing for professional rodent extermination:

Clear Clutter

Clear clutter and unnecessary items from the areas where rodents are present. Clutter provides hiding spots for rodents and makes it more difficult for exterminators to access infested areas. Removing clutter also allows exterminators to identify and treat rodent nesting sites more effectively.

Clean Up

Get every surface of the building spotless, but focus on the kitchens, pantries, and storage spaces because that’s where the rats have been hiding. Get rid of any crumbs, spills, or other waste that rats could use as a food source or an attraction. To further reduce odors and stop the spread of infections, disinfect and clean up any areas where rodents have left urine or droppings.

Seal Food and Trash

Be sure to seal any food items you have on hand, such as pet food, birdseed, and pantry staples. Rodents are attracted to open food sources, and their droppings and urine can contaminate them—secure garbage in tightly sealed bins to prevent rodents from accessing waste and creating additional food sources.

Seal Entry Points

Check the property for any openings that rodents could utilize to get inside, such as spaces around windows and doors, fissures in the walls, or holes in the base. If you want to keep rats out of your home, you can seal any cracks or holes with steel wool or caulk.

Remove Pets

If possible, remove pets from the premises during the extermination process. Some rodenticides and trapping methods may pose a risk to pets if ingested or accidentally activated. If removing pets is not feasible, discuss alternative arrangements with the extermination company to ensure their safety during treatment.

Communicate with Exterminators

Provide exterminators with relevant information about the rodent infestation, such as the areas where rodents have been observed, signs of activity, and any previous attempts to control the problem. Inform exterminators of any specific concerns or preferences you may have regarding treatment methods or products used.

Follow Exterminator’s Instructions

Follow any instructions provided by the exterminators before, during, and after the treatment process. This may include vacating the premises for a certain period, ventilating the area after treatment, and taking precautions to minimize exposure to treatment products.


Facing a rodent infestation can be a daunting challenge, but with the right professional help, it can be effectively managed and resolved. By understanding what to expect from professional rodent extermination and preparing your space accordingly, you can greatly enhance the treatment’s effectiveness and protect your property from future infestations. If you’re dealing with rodents, don’t wait for the problem to worsen. Contact Dr. Termites today for a comprehensive evaluation and tailored extermination plan. Let us help you reclaim peace of mind and ensure a safe, rodent-free environment for your home or business.

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